All company correspondence like emails, letters, faxes, PowerPoint presentations and other documents are executed using the various Arial types. Arial is present on most computers and allows editable documents to be read and modified without any problems. Exceptions may be made if the correspondence recipient requests a different font.
System typeface: Arial

Arial (bold)
Used mainly for headlines, this font is used to show emphasis.

Arial (regular)
This font choice is used for body copy text as well as to provide contrast in subheads.
Language support
Arial is available in Latin, Cyrillic and Greek character sets, in Open Type and True Type formats so this font can be used in all languages on all platforms.
Weights and styles
Using different weights in typography, like bold or regular text, is important because it helps highlight important information and makes it easier for people to read and understand a document or webpage. For example, using bold for headings or important points to guide your attention and make things clearer.

Titles and headlines should be bold in sentence case without a period at the end.

When working with various levels of information, make sure that you maintain a clear hierarchy. For best readability, text boxes should should allow for no more than 60 characters per line for body copy.