

From facility lobbies to tradeshows, our audience experiences our brand in a variety of ways, both in-person and digitally. While our tradeshows do pull in a large amount of traffic, perhaps the largest audience we reach is done digitally through various campaign touchpoints. Most of the people that we reach with our campaigns are often hearing about our company for the first time.

Getting the attention of potential customers is both harder and easier than it ever has been before. With social media, email, SMS messaging, video ads and more, we have a lot of ways we can reach our audience. However, our competition and every other company out there are fighting for their attention too.

Therefore, an impactful and unified approach to campaign marketing material is critical. Without a consistent approach, our hope for brand recognition is close to none.

Creative approach

Advertisements need to be highly impactful and visually express who we are as a brand, what value we provide, and why our audience should care.

Regardless of the campaign or region, each touchpoint should be made up of the same elements. These are categorized into two groups: flexible elements and fixed elements. With these elements, your campaign will consistency represent our brand while also being flexible enough to meet your individual campaign goals.

Flexible elements

Every campaign is different. While the fixed elements will be the same across all campaigns, things like messaging and imagery need to be flexible.

"A constellation of technology. A world of difference. Launching soon.
So simple. So efficient. So amazing. Get ready to open a universe of possibilities.


All advertisements start with a great idea and great copy. Messaging should not be overly technical or focus too much on product features, but more so on the result or benefit that the customer can expect. Our brand personality, voice, and tone should all be followed when creating campaign messaging. See here for more information on brand tone and voice.

A product shot of various Topcon products and software.


In addition to great messaging, a compelling image will help draw the eye of our audience. Advertisements need to be simple and to the point. Don’t try to say or show too much. Choose a single image to reinforce the messaging. When choosing an image, pick one that will contrast well with typography and a CTA button overlaid on top of it.

Imagery treatment

Moving beyond traditional untouched photos, we advocate for a more creative ad approach.

By templatizing, our teams can experiment with unique overlays and photo edits to craft visually stunning ads that clearly communicate our message. We encourage embracing creativity for engaging visuals that resonate with audiences and bolster our brand.

The examples provided show how creativity on a template can inspire, maintaining brand consistency with typography and logos while varying the main imagery per campaign. This approach demonstrates how diverse campaign elements can be unified under a cohesive brand visual language.

Creative photo shoots

This approach focuses on capturing unique, artistic shots that stand out for their composition, lighting, and perspective. It’s about creating visually captivating images that tell a story or evoke emotions.

Photo manipulation

Combining photography with digital art, this method involves altering images to create surreal or conceptual artworks. It’s perfect for crafting visuals that are imaginative and beyond the ordinary.

Technical overlay

This technique overlays technical overlays onto product photos. It’s used to highlight features, demonstrate functionality, or convey specific product information in a clear and visually appealing way.

Digital advertising

Particularly in the fast-paced realm of digital advertising, brand consistency is vital in establishing a strong and recognizable presence.  Unlike traditional print ads, digital platforms offer dynamic opportunities for interaction and engagement with audiences. Our digital ad templates are crafted to balance fixed elements that uphold our brand's identity with flexible components that can be tailored for various online formats and contexts. This section of the brand guidelines will guide you through effectively utilizing these templates to maximize impact and maintain coherence across all digital marketing efforts.

A Topcon campaign banner detailing "fixed elements" and "flexible elements".

Fixed elements

To maintain consistency across touchpoints and campaigns, the following elements are fixed and should be included at all times:

Topcon ad mockups with the logo in a fixed position.

Topcon logo

In ads, the Topcon logo should always be visible. Since our audience may only see our ad for a split second, it is important to always have our brand be immediately and clearly visible.

Topcon guidelines for a CTA button.

CTA button

Since all campaigns should have a call-to-action (CTA), it’s important that all actions be represented by a consistent visual cue. Our CTA button should be used near the headline to associate the content with the CTA.

Design templates

Templates are available for members of the Topcon creative team.