Topcon Authoriz(s)ed Dealer branding may be used by any contracted Topcon dealer. Authorized Dealer branding can be offered for use both independent of the dealer’s branding and incorporating it. It extends the opportunity to designate the dealer and/or their facility as an Authorized Topcon Dealer.

Authorized Dealer co-branding for wide dealer logos
The stacked logo wide lock-up can be featured alongside an authorized dealer logo when they require co-branding with Topcon. The two logos should be equal in size and evenly spaced either side of a thin dividing line. There are two orientation options available, wide and tall, which can be selected depending on the dealer logo design.

Co-branding variations, wide

Dealer logo first
The core logo using the blue icon with the black text combined with the dealer authorization sub-text in black is the best display option for the dealer co-branding.

Topcon logo first
The core logo using the blue icon with the black text combined with the dealer authorization sub-text in black is the best display option for the dealer co-branding.

Dealer logo above
This lockup works great for co-branded promotional materials such as roll-up banners and digital advertisements where space is limited.
Co-branding clear space, wide
The wide logo co-branding lock-up must have consistent clear space surrounding both logomarks that is equal to or greater than half of the height of the Topcon wordmark on all sides, including the sub-text. Equal spacing must be maintained either side of the ruled line separating the logo, and outer guides should be adjusted to accommodate the width of the dealer logo. The wide logo must have a clear space surrounding the logo that is equal to or greater than half of the height of the ‘Authorized Dealer’ sub-text.

Authorized Dealer co-branding for tall dealer logos
The stacked logo wide lock-up can be featured alongside an authorized dealer logo when they require co-branding with Topcon. The two logos should be equal in size and evenly spaced either side of a thin dividing line. There are two orientation options available, wide and tall, which can be selected depending on the dealer logo design.

Co-branding variations, tall

Dealer logo first

Topcon logo first

Dealer logo above
This lockup works great for co-branded promotional materials such as roll-up banners and digital advertisements where space is limited.
Co-branding color, tall
Multi-color (preferred)
Whenever possible, Topcon’s primary colors should be used for the stacked logo application, featuring either the blue symbol and black wordmark/ subtext on a white background, or blue symbol and white wordmark/subtext.

Blue symbol, black wordmark
The core logo using the blue icon with the black text combined with the dealer authorization sub-text in black is the best display option for the dealer co-branding.

Blue symbol, white wordmark
The logo using the blue icon with the white text and authorized dealer sub-text can be used when overlayed on a dark background color.
In circumstances where there is not enough contrast to use the two-color version or when printing only allows for one color, the Topcon logo may be used in either all white or all black.

All black

All white
Co-branding clear space, tall
The stacked logo horizontal lock-up must have a clear space surrounding the logo that is equal to or greater than the height of the Topcon wordmark, regardless of the size of lock-up size.